Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Jan 31

Wow I am having a very hard time remembering to blog.  I run out of time in clinic and thing Im gonna come home and do it then I forget.  So I am now writing about my Jan 31 patient.  I finished my patient today! yeah! I was really happy to have her taken care of.  When she was here last, Instructor Hemsley said her classification may have to be changed because the calculus was so tenacious and I had several misses.  She told me to have the next instructor evaluate and when I did several of the misses were not actually misses so I was really happy about that.  The quad that I had not yet finished was changed to a class II.  So I now have 1 quad of a class II.  I still have several requirements and it is really stressing me out.  I feel like I am not going to have enough time to finish all of them and it is causing me much anxiety.  I just need to remember 1 day at a time. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya Marcy. I took worry about meeting all my requirements. At least we are in this together.
